
St.joseph university... Is known as Dream university for every students...who have big dreams... It's really hard to get admission in this university,but there are also many people whose bank balances are big and got admission in this university to show people how much their child is intelligent but in reality they are dumb to dumbest just like our queen of college SABRINA JONES , She doesn't know anything about Architecture but still pretend like she is a topper of her faculty ...and yeah she is the biggest bully also, rich people you know.she just came to college to show her gucci bags,louis vuitton dresses,chanel perfume and Prada shoes.

" what did you said you poor girl? "

The girl tremble and again reply,

"i wouldn't do your work it's your project do it by yourself"

Sabrina smirk and suddenly hold her bag emptying everything on floor

" ohh! Sorry i thought your bag was also empty just like your brain but turns out it does have some cheap things just like your audacity" she said throwing the bag in air but suddenly someone catch it making everyone to look at her , and they all sigh in relief. finally she is here...

" ohh look liam who we have here " she asked to liam who looked at maahi and they both said together


" What did you said huh ? You both always say this infront of me, if you have guts translate it english right now " sabrina was fuming till now. Maahi laughed and said " do you really want a translation then google it babe!! " " YOU"

" yes one and only me" sabrina stomp her feet and went away from there with her minions... She can't win from maahi because maahi have every comeback for her nonsence and also because... Sabrina secretly admire her bestfreind liam she doesn't want to make wrong impression by bullying his bestfreind, sabrina does not know about liam being in relation, she is a 1st year student 2 years younger than maahi and 3 years younger than liam.

" wow bear your faculty is much more entertaining than mine, mine is just boring "

" i know right your faculty,teachers even your course is boring. ( don't take it seriously i respect every stream )


They both turned back to looked at liam's history professor glaring at them...they gulped and quickily shakes their heads.." no br---, i mean professor not at all i love you as well as your classes. Oh! Your voice is so beautiful i feel like sleeping whenever i hea----" liam stop blabbering nonsence when maahi elbowed his stomach. They both looked at mike who is fuming...

"this is what i teach you huh? Disrespecting your teachers. You are Mike's brother you should be more careful about how you speak you should always respect your elders, in 1880 there was a------ "

" why are you here micky mouse as long as i remember you don't have any classes here " Maahi quickly cutted his long lacture about history and asked to which mike smiled and handed them both tiffin boxes " Anna ( mike's wife) had made your both's favourite pasta and ask me to deliver it " they literally snatched the boxes and ran from there shouting a thank you.


" Did you hear a breaking news"

" what"

" MR.JOSEPH's grandson is coming, he will study in this university now "

" wow i have seen his picture on instagram he is so hot and handsome "

" right i have also seen them , i can't wait to meet him personally "

" but he is so cold and unintrested he doean't care About anyone i even heard that he didn't had any freinds in previous university"

" who cares it's not like we want to be his freinds we just want to bless our eyes with his hotness"

Every girl nodded in that group, and boys give them a disgusted look

" do you know where he is living "

" i think it's there own hotel he is living, i m sure he is living in a penthouse!! Ahh richness at peak"

This is today's hot topic in whole college but our two freind bird are in their own world planning to get in trouble again...

" WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" maahi whispered shouted at her idiot best freind who is pranking his OWN BROTHER

" i don't care he shouted on me and i'll take revenge "

" ohh god you are going to get beat up so badly and i m not saving you "

" i don't care" liam said spreading the super glue more on mike's office chair.

" FAST! FAST! he will be here at any moment"

" done!! lets go "

They both came out from office hiding behind a wall. After 1 minute mike walked towards his office to collect his things and to go home . They both looked at eachother and started counting

" 5......4.....3......2.....1....BOOM"


they both laughed and ran from there..


Alex step out from airport dragging his suitcase along with. He looked here and there and finally he saw him his original copy just looking like him but older version, his grandfather smiling and waving his hand like a child. Alex smiled, a rare smile which he doesn't show to anyone not even his parents, and ran towards him hugging him like he is still that 5 year old alex.

" i missed you grandpa"

" Ayyy! How many times do i have to told you don't call me grandpa i feel old call me buddy"

" ok ok . I missed you buddy"

" me too, now let's go it's already late we have to settle you down and tomorrow is your first day, i m personally taking you there for introduction."

" where am i living ? "

" well your dad had already arranged his own hotel's penthouse.... But...but...but... who is listening to that old grumpy man you are staying with me " MR. SENIOR ROMANO winked making alex chuckle at his tantics.

"let's go buddy i also want yo live with you only" they both laughed and went towrds joseph's range rover, " here, you are going to drive. I know how much you like my baby, go ahead now"

Alex exitedly went towards driver seat and they both head towards their destination.


" wake up you sleepy heads you are getting late for university."

Mrs.rathod shouted at two humans who are sprawled like sloths on floor

" mom please let me sleep i m too much tired"

" yes soon to be mother- in- law let me also sleep . Do you know how much your son- in- law had worked last night because of that hitler"

" it's your both's mistake . Why did you even prank mike, do you know how embrasaing it was for him to walk in j-j-just an un-under-wea-r, hahahahahahaha " Anna who came to wake liam said while laughing hard at her own husband's situation. ( they both are neighbours)

" guys wake up please..... You both are already 1 hour late, mike had warned me to send you both on time otherwise he will make you write that esaay 100 times" mrs.rathod said worrriedly

" WHAT !!!"

They both shouted and jumped fron their places running to get ready

" this kids" Both mrs.rathod and anna chuckle at them.


" And this is your class for next one year " mr.joseph said looking at a boring alex who just nodded his head " i have already introduced you to every professor of your faculty, if you have any problem they will help you okay , and don't you dare take prevelage of my authority Hm? " Alex nodded already done With the student's curious glares, grandpa noticed it and chuckle " you got charms like mine huh? See it's working so hard"

" go home grandpa your work is done now "

Joseph nodded and one last time patted his back and went away from there . Alex looked around


everyone flinched and went away from there feeling scared. Alex sighed annoyingly and take out his earphones plugging them he started to walk in corridors when suddenly....

" step away you black hoodie, are you deaf hey!! Abbe hat na ( step away) "


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